This ludicrously lavish phone makes fully encrypted calls Ludicrously lavish phone maker Vertu has a new, excitingly extravagant Android phone to tempt only the richest and most open-walleted among you. It's called the Constellation. It's hand-built in England -- like all of Vertu's phones -- and is made from anodized aluminium, wrapped in soft leather that's specifically sourced from a "family-run" tannery in Italy. Other fancy features include a sapphire crystal display and one-button access to Vertu's 24-hour concierge service (I say "button," it's actually an inset ruby). Need an emergency private jet to Mexico? What about a suspiciously deep clean of your superyacht's decks? Just jab that glinting red button and bark your orders at whoever picks up. It's the first dual-SIM phone from Vertu, which the company claims allows it to work on "34 international bands." It also fully encrypts your calls using tech f...
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